Child Migrants, Forgotten Australians, memories, Stolen Generations

This’ll hurt me more than it’ll hurt you

by Adele Chynoweth on 3 February, 2011

Can you help the National Museum compile a list of punishments in Children’s Homes? We are putting together a list of ‘punishments’ that children endured in institutions – a record to remind others of the cruelty and brutality within Homes. We acknowledge that not all Forgotten Australians may have endured such treatment. Nevertheless, it is important that historical abuse be recognised.

Please feel free to post a response below or on the message board on this site.

You can also email me us at:
if you don’t want your contribution to be published online.

This is not a ‘competition’ to see who can come up with the most gruesome example. We know that to name some of the harsh treatment as mere ‘punishment’ covers up the fact that many incidents were nothing less than criminal assault. However, we are also interested in all kinds of disciplinary actions imposed by staff of Homes, even they seemed trivial. It is also OK if someone else has already posted the same punishment as you experienced. Repetition is OK because it is interesting for us to learn how widespread a particular penalty was.

It would helpful, too, if you could also let us know what year/s the punishment occurred and in which particular Home.

We understand that writing about such incidents may mean reliving them so please don’t feel obliged to share, if this is too distressing for you because your wellbeing is more important than our list!

We also have included a list of links to advocacy, support, counselling and record-finding services on the right hand side of this website. If you would like further assistance you are most welcome to email us here at and we will endeavour to locate appropriate contact information for you.