Child Migrants, Forgotten Australians, Responding to the National Apology, Stolen Generations

Guidelines reminder

by Adele Chynoweth on 20 September, 2011

I have edited some contributions recently on the basis that they were not in keeping with the guidelines for this website.

The National Museum of Australia understands and appreciates that it takes great courage for those who were institutionalised, as children, to discuss publicy, their personal history. In keeping with this understanding, we will ensure that this website is safe for all those former inmates and residents.

The aim of this website is to provide a voice for those who, as children, were denied the right to speak. Whilst we welcome participation from all, publication is dependent on associated comments demonstrating respect for the range of testimonies from those who were placed in ‘care’.

The guidelines can be read on the ‘Note to contributors’ page.